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Crystals, Sage, Palo Santo, Cleansing Rituals

Using the gifts of healing and natural items to help physical, emotional and mental 
health problems, among offering items of spiritual protection, wicca and pagan items, spiritual gifts and beautiful vinyls that can be applied to almost any surface. 

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Our Aim

Healing Bracelets UK was created with the aim to help as many people as possible naturally. 

Since the birth of time, the energy from the atmosphere, atoms, micro organisms etc started to create crystals, plants, herbs etc with such powerful healing properties. Our ancestors learnt how to use them and over the centuries has passed this knowledge on so that today, we can still use these earths gifts to help heal physical and mental illnesses. 

Physical and mental wellbeing are of utmost importance to living a healthy life. When one is out of sync, the other can become affected, so to keep the balance within our bodies, we must look to nature for its guidance for chemical cures can put the body and mind further out of balance, making it difficult to regain a natural healthy balance. 

We want to keep natural healing alive and prove that it works all the way down to the root cause and not just masks the symptoms, however, for some, crystals do not work, we do not know why, but we believe that if you have an open mind, you will be surprised at what a crystal can do for you. 

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